Budhi Ganga Hydropower Project (22 MW), Nepal

The Buddhi Ganga HPP is in Achham district, western region of Nepal. The project is planned as peaking run off river type project. The expected peaking time is about six hours per day. Project includes a 44 m high Concrete Gravity dam,  desilting basin, 5.5 km long headrace tunnel, surge shaft and surface powerhouse. The plant shall produce 22 MW power with design discharge of 27.6 m3/s under nominal head of 83 m.

Scope of Services: DCS’s scope of services included reservoir simulation to finalize the routing effect and power optimization including the sediment transport simulation in HECRAS model. Headworks simulation includes the regulation of gates at the headworks.

Client: SMEC International Pty Ltd, Australia- UDAYA Consultancy Pvt Ltd, Nepal Joint Venture